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Getting started

Browser and OS compatibility

You can consult the PRF compatibility matrix regarding browser support and supported operating systems.

Development on docker containers


  • Docker & Docker Compose
  • An SSH key added to GitHub

Clone the repositories

  1. Clone wallet-ecosystem repository
git clone
  1. Launch VSCode in the newly created wallet-ecosystem folder
  2. Initialize and update submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
  1. Configure wallet-frontend's environment:
cd wallet-frontend
cp .env.template .env

You can leave the .env file as is but if you have set up a firebase project, you can fill in the variables according to your own configuration. Below is an explanation for each variable:

 - HOST: The IP address where your app will be running (default is '').
- PORT: The port on which your app will run (default is 3000).
- VAPIDKEY: Your Vapid key (public key for cloud messaging firebase) for push notifications.
- REACT_APP_WS_URL: The URL of the websocket service.
- REACT_APP_WALLET_BACKEND_URL: The URL of your backend service.
- REACT_APP_LOGIN_WITH_PASSWORD: A Boolean value which show/hide the classic login/signup.
- REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY: Your API key for Firebase.
- REACT_APP_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN: Your Firebase authentication domain.
- REACT_APP_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID: Your Firebase project ID.
- REACT_APP_FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET: Your Firebase storage bucket.
- REACT_APP_OPENID4VCI_REDIRECT_URI: wwWallet redirect uri parameter on communication protocols (default http://localhost:3000)
- REACT_APP_OPENID4VP_SAN_DNS_CHECK_SSL_CERTS: Force the wwWallet to check or not to check the validity of the server certifice through the backend (default false)
- REACT_APP_VALIDATE_CREDENTIALS_WITH_TRUST_ANCHORS: Option to validate the credentials issued by the credential issuers(default false)
  1. Set Up Firebase (Optional) using the guide to set up Firebase

  2. Configure /etc/hosts

Add the following lines in the /etc/hosts file: wallet-frontend wallet-backend-server wallet-enterprise-vid-issuer wallet-enterprise-diploma-issuer wallet-enterprise-acme-verifier wallet-enterprise-ehic-issuer
  1. Start the ecosystem
node ecosystem.js up -t

The argument -t forces the usage of the docker-compose.template.yml

For demonstrative purposes, we are going to set up a small ecosystem with:

  • 1 Wallet Provider
  • 1 Credential Issuer (University of Athens)
  • 1 Credential VID Issuer (Gov Issuer)
  • 1 EHIC Issuer

The configuration of the legal entities takes place with the following:

node ecosystem.js init

For more options, see:

node ecosystem.js up --help

To shut down the ecosystem run the following command:

node ecosystem.js down

Supported Flows

Wallet-initiated Issuance Flow (Authorization Code Grant)

  • Start the issuing from the wallet: http://localhost:3000/add
  • Redirect to the issuing platform and select a method of authentication
  • Fetch, review and select a credential
  • Return to the wallet with the received credential

Verifier-initiated Presentation Flow


A - How to set up Firebase Cloud Messaging for Push Notfications

a. Create a Firebase Project

b. Configure Firebase for Web

  • After creating the project, Add app and select "Web."
  • Register your app with a name (e.g., "MyApp").
  • Firebase will provide you with a configuration firebaseConfig object; keep this handy.

c. Get Service Account Key

  • Navigate to "Project settings" > "Service accounts."
  • Under the "Firebase Admin SDK" section, click "Generate new private key" to download the JSON file.
  • in root of wallet-backend paste this file inside the keys/ folder if the folder does not exist, then create it with name firebaseConfig.json
  • The file name should be the same with the notifications.serviceAccount JSON attribute on the configuration of the wallet-backend-server which is located on the config/ folder. That being said, the notifications.serviceAccount JSON attribute should be set to firebaseConfig.json
  • The notifications.enabled JSON attribute on the wallet-backend-server configuration should be set to true

d. Generate VAPID Key

  • Navigate to "Project settings" > "Service accounts > Cloud Messaging."
  • Scroll down to the "Web configuration" section.
  • You should see an option to generate a new VAPID key. Click the "Generate" button.
  • After generating the VAPID key, you'll see it displayed on the screen.
  • Save this VAPID key securely, as you'll need it in your frontend.

e. Fill config variables in Frontend

  • With your firebaseConfig and the VAPID KEY now you can fill the wallet-frontend .env.
  • Also navigate to wallet-frontend/public/firebase-messaging-sw.js and replace the firebaseConfig with yours.